Source code for subaligner.utils

import os
import subprocess
import pysubs2
import requests
import shutil
import chardet
import shlex
import pycountry

from pycaption import (

from captionstransformer.core import Caption
from captionstransformer.core import Reader
from captionstransformer.sbv import Reader as SbvReader, Writer as SbvWriter
from import Reader as SrtReader, Writer as SrtWriter
from captionstransformer.transcript import Reader as TranscriptReader, Writer as TranscriptWriter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, TextIO, BinaryIO, Union, Callable, Any, Tuple, List, Dict
from .exception import TerminalException
from subaligner.lib.to_srt import STL, SRT
from subaligner.lib.language import Language

[docs]class Utils(object): """Utility functions """ FFMPEG_BIN = os.getenv("FFMPEG_PATH") or os.getenv("ffmpeg_path") or "ffmpeg"
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2ttml(srt_file_path: str, ttml_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to TTML subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. ttml_file_path {string} -- The path to the TTML file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) with open(srt_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, SRTReader()) if ttml_file_path is None: ttml_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".xml") with open(ttml_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(DFXPWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace"))
[docs] @staticmethod def ttml2srt(ttml_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert TTML subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: ttml_file_path {string} -- The path to the TTML file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(ttml_file_path) with open(ttml_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, DFXPReader()) if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = ttml_file_path.replace(".xml", ".srt") with open(srt_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(SRTWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace"))
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2vtt(srt_file_path: str, vtt_file_path: Optional[str] = None, timeout_secs: int = 30) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to WebVTT subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. vtt_file_path {string} -- The path to the WebVTT file. timeout_secs {int} -- The timeout in seconds on conversion {default: 30}. """ _vtt_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".vtt") if vtt_file_path is None else vtt_file_path encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) command = "{0} -y -sub_charenc {1} -i {2} -f webvtt {3}".format(Utils.FFMPEG_BIN, encoding, Utils.double_quoted(srt_file_path), Utils.double_quoted(_vtt_file_path)) timeout_msg = "Timeout on converting SubRip to WebVTT: {}".format(srt_file_path) error_msg = "Cannot convert SubRip to WebVTT: {}".format(srt_file_path) def _callback(returncode: int, std_err: str) -> None: if returncode != 0: raise TerminalException( "Cannot convert SubRip to WebVTT: {} with error {}".format( srt_file_path, std_err ) ) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(_vtt_file_path, encoding) Utils._run_command(command, timeout_secs, timeout_msg, error_msg, _callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def vtt2srt(vtt_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None, timeout_secs: int = 30) -> None: """Convert WebVTT subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: vtt_file_path {string} -- The path to the WebVTT file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. timeout_secs {int} -- The timeout in seconds on conversion {default: 30}. """ _srt_file_path = vtt_file_path.replace(".vtt", ".srt") if srt_file_path is None else srt_file_path encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(vtt_file_path) command = "{0} -y -sub_charenc {1} -i {2} -f srt {3}".format(Utils.FFMPEG_BIN, encoding, Utils.double_quoted(vtt_file_path), Utils.double_quoted(_srt_file_path)) timeout_msg = "Timeout on converting WebVTT to SubRip: {}".format(vtt_file_path) error_msg = "Cannot convert WebVTT to SubRip: {}".format(vtt_file_path) def _callback(returncode: int, std_err: str) -> None: if returncode != 0: raise TerminalException( "Cannot convert WebVTT to SubRip: {} with error {}".format( vtt_file_path, std_err ) ) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(_srt_file_path, encoding) Utils._run_command(command, timeout_secs, timeout_msg, error_msg, _callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2ass(srt_file_path: str, ass_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to Advanced SubStation Alpha v4.0+ subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. ass_file_path {string} -- The path to the ASS file. """ new_ass_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(srt_file_path, "srt", ass_file_path, "ass", "ass") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_ass_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def ass2srt(ass_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert Advanced SubStation Alpha v4.0+ subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: ass_file_path {string} -- The path to the ASS file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ new_srt_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(ass_file_path, "ass", srt_file_path, "srt", "srt") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2ssa(srt_file_path: str, ssa_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to SubStation Alpha v4.0 subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. ssa_file_path {string} -- The path to the SSA file. """ new_ssa_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(srt_file_path, "srt", ssa_file_path, "ssa", "ssa") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_ssa_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def ssa2srt(ssa_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubStation Alpha v4.0 subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: ssa_file_path {string} -- The path to the SSA file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ new_srt_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(ssa_file_path, "ssa", srt_file_path, "srt", "srt") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2microdvd(srt_file_path: str, microdvd_file_path: Optional[str] = None, frame_rate: Optional[float] = 25.0): """Convert SubRip subtitles to MicroDVD subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. microdvd_file_path {string} -- The path to the MicroDVD file. frame_rate {float} -- The frame rate for frame-based MicroDVD. """ new_microdvd_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(srt_file_path, "srt", microdvd_file_path, "sub", "microdvd", frame_rate=frame_rate) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_microdvd_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def microdvd2srt(microdvd_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert MicroDVD subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: microdvd_file_path {string} -- The path to the MPL2 file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ new_srt_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(microdvd_file_path, "sub", srt_file_path, "srt", "srt") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2mpl2(srt_file_path: str, mpl2_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to MPL2 subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. mpl2_file_path {string} -- The path to the MPL2 file. """ new_mpl2_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(srt_file_path, "srt", mpl2_file_path, "txt", "mpl2") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_mpl2_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def mpl22srt(mpl2_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert MPL2 subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: mpl2_file_path {string} -- The path to the MPL2 file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ new_srt_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(mpl2_file_path, "txt", srt_file_path, "srt", "srt") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2tmp(srt_file_path: str, tmp_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to TMP subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. tmp_file_path {string} -- The path to the TMP file. """ new_tmp_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(srt_file_path, "srt", tmp_file_path, "tmp", "tmp") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_tmp_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def tmp2srt(tmp_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert TMP subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: mpl2_file_path {string} -- The path to the TMP file. tmp_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ new_srt_file_path, encoding = Utils.__convert_subtitle(tmp_file_path, "tmp", srt_file_path, "srt", "srt") Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(new_srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2sami(srt_file_path: str, sami_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to SAMI subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. sami_file_path {string} -- The path to the SAMI file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) with open(srt_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, SRTReader()) if sami_file_path is None: sami_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".smi") with open(sami_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(SAMIWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace"))
[docs] @staticmethod def sami2srt(sami_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SAMI subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: sami_file_path {string} -- The path to the SAMI file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(sami_file_path) with open(sami_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, SAMIReader()) if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = sami_file_path.replace(".smi", ".srt") with open(srt_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(SRTWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace")) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def stl2srt(stl_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert EBU-STL subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: stl_file_path {string} -- The path to the EBU-STL file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(stl_file_path) stl = STL(stl_file_path, True) if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = stl_file_path.replace(".stl", ".srt") srt = SRT(srt_file_path) for sub in stl: (tci, tco, txt) = sub srt.write(tci, tco, txt, encoding) srt.file.close() stl.file.close() Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2scc(srt_file_path: str, scc_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to SCC subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. scc_file_path {string} -- The path to the Scenarist Closed Captions file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) with open(srt_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, SRTReader()) if scc_file_path is None: scc_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".scc") with open(scc_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(SCCWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace"))
[docs] @staticmethod def scc2srt(scc_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SCC subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: scc_file_path {string} -- The path to the Scenarist Closed Captions file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] converter = CaptionConverter() encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(scc_file_path) with open(scc_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file:, SCCReader()) if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = scc_file_path.replace(".scc", ".srt") with open(srt_file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(converter.write(SRTWriter()).encode(encoding, errors="replace")) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2sbv(srt_file_path: str, sbv_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to SubViewer subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. sbv_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubViewer file. """ Caption.text = property(lambda self: self._text, Utils._set_text_patch) = Utils._read_patch file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) with open(srt_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: srt_reader = SrtReader(file) srt_reader.encoding = encoding captions = for caption in captions: caption.encoding = encoding if sbv_file_path is None: sbv_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".sbv") with open(sbv_file_path, "w") as file: sbv_writer = SbvWriter(file, captions) sbv_writer.write() sbv_writer.close() Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(sbv_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def sbv2srt(sbv_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubViewer subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: sbv_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubViewer file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(sbv_file_path) Caption.text = property(lambda self: self._text, Utils._set_text_patch) = Utils._read_patch with open(sbv_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: sbv_reader = SbvReader(file) sbv_reader.encoding = encoding captions = for caption in captions: caption.encoding = encoding if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = sbv_file_path.replace(".sbv", ".srt") with open(srt_file_path, "w") as file: srt_writer = SrtWriter(file, captions) srt_writer.write() srt_writer.close() Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def srt2ytt(srt_file_path: str, transcript_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert SubRip subtitles to YouTube transcript subtitles. Arguments: srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. transcript_file_path {string} -- The path to the YouTube transcript file. """ file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(srt_file_path) Caption.text = property(lambda self: self._text, Utils._set_text_patch) = Utils._read_patch TranscriptWriter.get_utime = Utils._get_utime_patch TranscriptWriter.format_time = Utils._format_time_patch TranscriptWriter.DOCUMENT_TPL = u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{}" ?><transcript>%s</transcript>""".format(encoding) TranscriptWriter.CAPTION_TPL = u"""<text start="%(start)s" dur="%(duration)s">%(text)s</text>""" with open(srt_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: srt_reader = SrtReader(file) srt_reader.encoding = encoding captions = for caption in captions: caption.encoding = encoding if transcript_file_path is None: transcript_file_path = srt_file_path.replace(".srt", ".ytt") with open(transcript_file_path, "w") as file: transcript_writer = TranscriptWriter(file, captions) transcript_writer.write() transcript_writer.close() Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(transcript_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def ytt2srt(transcript_file_path: str, srt_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert YouTube transcript subtitles to SubRip subtitles. Arguments: transcript_file_path {string} -- The path to the YouTube transcript file. srt_file_path {string} -- The path to the SubRip file. """ Caption.text = property(lambda self: self._text, Utils._set_text_patch) = Utils._read_patch TranscriptReader.text_to_captions = Utils._text_to_captions_patch file: Union[TextIO, BinaryIO] encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(transcript_file_path) with open(transcript_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: transcript_reader = TranscriptReader(file) transcript_reader.encoding = encoding captions = for caption in captions: caption.encoding = encoding if srt_file_path is None: srt_file_path = transcript_file_path.replace(".ytt", ".srt") with open(srt_file_path, "w") as file: srt_writer = SrtWriter(file, captions) srt_writer.write() srt_writer.close() Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(srt_file_path, encoding)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_teletext_as_subtitle(ts_file_path: str, page_num: int, output_file_path: str, timeout_secs: int = 30) -> None: """Extract DVB Teletext from MPEG transport stream files and convert them into the output format. Arguments: ts_file_path {string} -- The path to the Transport Stream file. page_num {int} -- The page number for the Teletext output_file_path {string} -- The path to the output file. timeout_secs {int} -- The timeout in seconds on extraction {default: 30}. """ command = "{0} -y -fix_sub_duration -txt_page {1} -txt_format text -i {2} {3}".format(Utils.FFMPEG_BIN, page_num, Utils.double_quoted(ts_file_path), Utils.double_quoted(output_file_path)) timeout_msg = "Timeout on extracting Teletext from transport stream: {} on page: {}".format(ts_file_path, page_num) error_msg = "Cannot extract Teletext from transport stream: {} on page: {}".format(ts_file_path, page_num) def _callback(returncode: int, std_err: str) -> None: if returncode != 0: raise TerminalException( "Cannot extract Teletext from transport stream: {} on page: {} with error {}".format( ts_file_path, page_num, std_err ) ) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(output_file_path, None) Utils._run_command(command, timeout_secs, timeout_msg, error_msg, _callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_matroska_subtitle(mkv_file_path: str, stream_index: int, output_file_path: str, timeout_secs: int = 30) -> None: """Extract subtitles from Matroska files and convert them into the output format. Arguments: mkv_file_path {string} -- The path to the Matroska file. stream_index {int} -- The index of the subtitle stream output_file_path {string} -- The path to the output file. timeout_secs {int} -- The timeout in seconds on extraction {default: 30}. """ command = "{0} -y -i {1} -map 0:s:{2} {3}".format(Utils.FFMPEG_BIN, Utils.double_quoted(mkv_file_path), stream_index, Utils.double_quoted(output_file_path)) timeout_msg = "Timeout on extracting the subtitle from file: {} with stream index: {}".format(mkv_file_path, stream_index) error_msg = "Cannot extract the subtitle from file: {} with stream index: {}".format(mkv_file_path, stream_index) def _callback(returncode: int, std_err: str) -> None: if returncode != 0: raise TerminalException( "Cannot extract the subtitle from file: {} with stream index: {} with error {}".format( mkv_file_path, stream_index, std_err ) ) Utils.remove_trailing_newlines(output_file_path, None) Utils._run_command(command, timeout_secs, timeout_msg, error_msg, _callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def suppress_lib_logs() -> None: import os import logging os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_VLOG_LEVEL"] = "0" logging.getLogger("tensorflow").disabled = True
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_trailing_newlines(source_file_path: str, encoding: Optional[str], target_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: with open(source_file_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: content = if target_file_path is not None: with open(target_file_path, "w", encoding=encoding) as file: file.write(content.rstrip()) else: with open(source_file_path, "w", encoding=encoding) as file: file.write(content.rstrip())
[docs] @staticmethod def download_file(remote_file_url: str, local_file_path: str) -> None: r = requests.get(remote_file_url, verify=True, stream=True) r.raw.decode_content = True with open(local_file_path, "wb") as file: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, file)
[docs] @staticmethod def contains_embedded_subtitles(video_file_path: str, timeout_secs: int = 30) -> bool: """Detect if the input video contains embedded subtitles. Arguments: video_file_path {string} -- The path to the video file. timeout_secs {int} -- The timeout in seconds on extraction {default: 30}. Returns: bool -- True if the video contains embedded subtitles or False otherwise. """ command = "{0} -y -i {1} -c copy -map 0:s -f null - -v 0 -hide_banner".format(Utils.FFMPEG_BIN, Utils.double_quoted(video_file_path)) timeout_msg = "Timeout on detecting embedded subtitles from file: {}".format(video_file_path) error_msg = "Embedded subtitle detection failed for file: {}".format(video_file_path) def _callback(returncode: int, std_err: str) -> bool: return returncode == 0 return Utils._run_command(command, timeout_secs, timeout_msg, error_msg, _callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def detect_encoding(subtitle_file_path: str) -> str: """Detect the encoding of the subtitle file. Arguments: subtitle_file_path {string} -- The path to the subtitle file. Returns: string -- The string represent the encoding """ with open(subtitle_file_path, "rb") as file: # raw = b"".join([file.readline() for _ in range(10)]) # Sampling with 10 lines did not work well enough for large subtitle files # and hence this less memory-efficient solution: raw = b"".join(file.readlines()) detected = chardet.detect(raw) detected = detected or {} return detected["encoding"] if "encoding" in detected and detected["encoding"] is not None else "utf-8"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_file_root_and_extension(file_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the root path and the extension of the input file path. Returns: tuple -- the root path and the extension of the input file path. """ parts = os.path.abspath(file_path).split(os.extsep, 1) return parts[0], parts[1]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_stretch_language_codes() -> List[str]: """Get language codes used by stretch. Returns: list -- A list of language codes derived from ISO 639-3. """ return Language.ALLOWED_VALUES
[docs] @staticmethod def get_misc_language_codes() -> List[str]: """Get all known language codes. Returns: list -- A list of all known language codes. """ return Language.ALLOWED_VALUES + \ ['CELTIC', 'NORTH_EU', 'NORWAY', 'ROMANCE', 'SAMI', 'SCANDINAVIA', 'aav', 'aed', 'afa', 'alv', 'art', 'ase', 'bat', 'bcl', 'bem', 'ber', 'bnt', 'bzs', 'cau', 'ccs', 'ceb', 'cel', 'chk', 'cpf', 'cpp', 'crs', 'csg', 'csn', 'cus', 'dra', 'efi', 'en_el_es_fi', 'euq', 'fi_nb_no_nn_ru_sv_en', 'fiu', 'fse', 'gaa', 'gem', 'gil', 'gmq', 'gmw', 'grk', 'guw', 'hil', 'iir', 'ilo', 'inc', 'ine', 'iso', 'itc', 'jap', 'kab', 'kqn', 'kwn', 'kwy', 'loz', 'lua', 'lue', 'lun', 'luo', 'lus', 'map', 'mfe', 'mfs', 'mkh', 'mos', 'mul', 'nic', 'niu', 'nso', 'nyk', 'pag', 'phi', 'pis', 'pon', 'poz', 'pqe', 'pqw', 'prl', 'rnd', 'roa', 'run', 'sal', 'sem', 'sit', 'sla', 'srn', 'ssp', 'swc', 'taw', 'tdt', 'tiv', 'tll', 'toi', 'tpi', 'trk', 'tum', 'tut', 'tvl', 'tzo', 'umb', 'urj', 'vsl', 'wal', 'war', 'wls', 'yap', 'yua', 'zai', 'zle', 'zls', 'zlw', 'zne']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_language_table() -> List[str]: """Get all known language codes and their human-readable versions. Returns: list -- A list of all known language codes and their human-readable versions. """ return list(map(lambda line: line.replace("\t", " "), Language.CODE_TO_HUMAN_LIST)) + \ ['CELTIC', 'NORTH_EU', 'NORWAY', 'ROMANCE', 'SAMI', 'SCANDINAVIA', 'aav', 'aed', 'afa', 'alv', 'art', 'ase', 'bat', 'bcl', 'bem', 'ber', 'bnt', 'bzs', 'cau', 'ccs', 'ceb', 'cel', 'chk', 'cpf', 'cpp', 'crs', 'csg', 'csn', 'cus', 'dra', 'efi', 'en_el_es_fi', 'euq', 'fi_nb_no_nn_ru_sv_en', 'fiu', 'fse', 'gaa', 'gem', 'gil', 'gmq', 'gmw', 'grk', 'guw', 'hil', 'iir', 'ilo', 'inc', 'ine', 'iso', 'itc', 'jap', 'kab', 'kqn', 'kwn', 'kwy', 'loz', 'lua', 'lue', 'lun', 'luo', 'lus', 'map', 'mfe', 'mfs', 'mkh', 'mos', 'mul', 'nic', 'niu', 'nso', 'nyk', 'pag', 'phi', 'pis', 'pon', 'poz', 'pqe', 'pqw', 'prl', 'rnd', 'roa', 'run', 'sal', 'sem', 'sit', 'sla', 'srn', 'ssp', 'swc', 'taw', 'tdt', 'tiv', 'tll', 'toi', 'tpi', 'trk', 'tum', 'tut', 'tvl', 'tzo', 'umb', 'urj', 'vsl', 'wal', 'war', 'wls', 'yap', 'yua', 'zai', 'zle', 'zls', 'zlw', 'zne']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_iso_639_alpha_2(language_code: str) -> str: """Find the alpha 2 language code based on an alpha 3 one. Arguments: language_code {string} -- An alpha 3 language code derived from ISO 639-3. Returns: string -- The alpha 2 language code if exists otherwise the alpha 3 one. Raises: ValueError -- Thrown when the input language code cannot be recognised. """ lang = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_3=language_code) if lang is None: return language_code elif hasattr(lang, "alpha_2"): return lang.alpha_2 else: return lang.alpha_3
[docs] @staticmethod def format_timestamp(seconds: float) -> str: assert seconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected" milliseconds = round(seconds * 1000.0) hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000 milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000 minutes = milliseconds // 60_000 milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000 seconds = milliseconds // 1_000 milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000 hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" return f"{hours_marker}{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d},{milliseconds:03d}"
[docs] @staticmethod def double_quoted(s: str) -> str: return "\"{}\"".format(s.replace('"', "\\\""))
@staticmethod def __convert_subtitle(source_file_path: str, source_ext: str, target_file_path: Optional[str], target_ext: str, format: str, frame_rate: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: encoding = Utils.detect_encoding(source_file_path) subs = pysubs2.load(source_file_path, encoding=encoding) new_target_file_path = source_file_path.replace(".%s" % source_ext, ".%s" % target_ext) if target_file_path is None else target_file_path if frame_rate is None:, encoding=encoding, format_=format) else:, encoding=encoding, format_=format, fps=frame_rate) return new_target_file_path, encoding @staticmethod def _run_command(command: str, timeout_secs: int, timeout_msg: str, error_msg: str, callback: Callable[[int, str], Any]) -> Any: with subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(command), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, universal_newlines=True, bufsize=1, ) as process: try: _, std_err = process.communicate(timeout=timeout_secs) return callback(process.returncode, std_err) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as te: process.kill() raise TerminalException(timeout_msg) from te except Exception as e: process.kill() if isinstance(e, TerminalException): raise e else: raise TerminalException(error_msg) from e finally: os.system("stty sane") @staticmethod def _set_text_patch(self_patched: Any, value: str) -> None: self_patched._text = value @staticmethod def _read_patch(self_patched: Any) -> List: self_patched.rawcontent = self_patched.text_to_captions() return self_patched.captions @staticmethod def _text_to_captions_patch(self_patched: Any) -> List: soup = BeautifulSoup(self_patched.rawcontent, features="lxml") texts = soup.find_all('text') for text in texts: caption = Caption() caption.start = self_patched.get_start(text) caption.duration = self_patched.get_duration(text) caption.text = text.text self_patched.add_caption(caption) return self_patched.captions @staticmethod def _get_utime_patch(_: Any, dt: datetime) -> str: start = dt start_seconds = 3600 * start.hour + 60 * start.minute + start.second start_milliseconds = start.microsecond // 1000 if start_milliseconds: ustart = u"%s.%s" % (start_seconds, start_milliseconds) else: ustart = u"%s" % start_seconds return ustart @staticmethod def _format_time_patch(self_patched: Any, caption: Any) -> Dict: return { "start": self_patched.get_utime(caption.start), "end": self_patched.get_utime(caption.end), "duration": caption.duration.total_seconds() }