Source code for subaligner.embedder

import librosa
import gc
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pysrt import SubRipTime, SubRipFile
from typing import Tuple, Optional
from .subtitle import Subtitle
from .exception import TerminalException
from .logger import Logger

[docs]class FeatureEmbedder(object): """Audio and subtitle feature embedding. """ def __init__( self, n_mfcc: int = 13, frequency: int = 16000, hop_len: int = 512, step_sample: float = 0.04, len_sample: float = 0.075, ) -> None: """Feature embedder initialiser. Keyword Arguments: n_mfcc {int} -- The number of MFCC components (default: {13}). frequency {float} -- The sample rate (default: {16000}). hop_len {int} -- The number of samples per frame (default: {512}). step_sample {float} -- The space (in seconds) between the beginning of each sample (default: 1s / 25 FPS = 0.04s). len_sample {float} -- The length in seconds for the input samples (default: {0.075}). """ self.__n_mfcc = n_mfcc # number of MFCC components self.__frequency = frequency # sample rate self.__hop_len = hop_len # number of samples per frame self.__step_sample = ( step_sample ) # space (in seconds) between the beginning of each sample self.__len_sample = ( len_sample ) # length in seconds for the input samples self.__item_time = ( 1.0 / frequency ) * hop_len # 1 item = 1/16000 seg = 32 ms self.__LOGGER = Logger().get_logger(__name__) @property def n_mfcc(self) -> int: """Get the number of MFCC components. Returns: int -- The number of MFCC components. """ return self.__n_mfcc @property def frequency(self) -> int: """Get the sample rate. Returns: int -- The sample rate. """ return self.__frequency @property def hop_len(self) -> int: """Get the number of samples per frame. Returns: int -- The number of samples per frame. """ return self.__hop_len @property def step_sample(self) -> float: """The space (in seconds) between the begining of each sample. Returns: float -- The space (in seconds) between the begining of each sample. """ return self.__step_sample @step_sample.setter def step_sample(self, step_sample: int) -> None: """Configure the step sample Arguments: step_sample {float} -- the value of the step sample (1 / frame_rate) """ self.__step_sample = step_sample @property def len_sample(self) -> float: """Get the length in seconds for the input samples. Returns: float -- The length in seconds for the input samples. """ return self.__item_time
[docs] @classmethod def time_to_sec(cls, pysrt_time: SubRipTime) -> float: """Convert timestamp to seconds. Arguments: pysrt_time {pysrt.SubRipTime} -- SubRipTime or coercible. Returns: float -- The number of seconds. """ # There is a weird bug in pysrt triggered by a programatically generated # subtitle with start time "00:00:00,000". When it occurs, .millisecond # will return 999.0 and .seconds will return 60.0 and .minutes will return # 60.0 and .hours will return -1.0. So force it return 0.0 on this occasion. if str(pysrt_time) == "00:00:00,000": return float(0) total_sec = pysrt_time.milliseconds / float(1000) total_sec += int(pysrt_time.seconds) total_sec += int(pysrt_time.minutes) * 60 total_sec += int(pysrt_time.hours) * 60 * 60 return round(total_sec, 3)
[docs] def get_len_mfcc(self) -> float: """Get the number of samples to get LEN_SAMPLE: LEN_SAMPLE/(HOP_LEN/FREQUENCY). Returns: float -- The number of samples. """ return self.__len_sample / (self.__hop_len / self.__frequency)
[docs] def get_step_mfcc(self) -> float: """Get the number of samples to get STEP_SAMPLE: STEP_SAMPLE/(HOP_LEN/FREQUENCY). Returns: float -- The number of samples. """ return self.__step_sample / (self.__hop_len / self.__frequency)
[docs] def time_to_position(self, pysrt_time: SubRipTime) -> int: """Return a cell position from timestamp. Arguments: pysrt_time {pysrt.SubRipTime} -- SubRipTime or coercible. Returns: int -- The cell position. """ return int( ( float(self.__frequency * FeatureEmbedder.time_to_sec(pysrt_time)) / self.__hop_len ) / self.get_step_mfcc() )
[docs] def duration_to_position(self, seconds: float) -> int: """Return the cell position from a time in seconds. Arguments: seconds {float} -- The duration in seconds. Returns: int -- The cell position. """ return int( (float(self.__frequency * seconds) / self.__hop_len) / self.get_step_mfcc() )
[docs] def position_to_duration(self, position: int) -> float: """Return the time in seconds from a cell position. Arguments: position {int} -- The cell position. Returns: float -- The number of seconds. """ return ( float(position) * self.get_step_mfcc() * self.__hop_len ) / self.__frequency
[docs] def position_to_time_str(self, position: int) -> str: """Return the time string from a cell position. Arguments: position {int} -- The cell position. Returns: string -- The time string (e.g., 01:23:20,150). """ td = timedelta( seconds=(float(position) * self.get_step_mfcc() * self.__hop_len) / self.__frequency ) dt = ( datetime(1, 1, 1) + td ) # TODO: Not working for subtitles longer than 24 hours. hh = ( str(dt.hour) if len(str(dt.hour)) > 1 else "0{}".format(str(dt.hour)) ) mm = ( str(dt.minute) if len(str(dt.minute)) > 1 else "0{}".format(str(dt.minute)) ) ss = ( str(dt.second) if len(str(dt.second)) > 1 else "0{}".format(str(dt.second)) ) ms = int(dt.microsecond / 1000) if len(str(ms)) == 3: fff = str(ms) elif len(str(ms)) == 2: fff = "0{}".format(str(ms)) else: fff = "00{}".format(str(ms)) return "{}:{}:{},{}".format(hh, mm, ss, fff)
[docs] def extract_data_and_label_from_audio( self, audio_file_path: str, subtitle_file_path: Optional[str], subtitles: Optional[SubRipFile] = None, sound_effect_start_marker: Optional[str] = None, sound_effect_end_marker: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Generate a train dataset from an audio file and its subtitles Arguments: audio_file_path {string} -- The path to the audio file. subtitle_file_path {string} -- The path to the subtitle file. Keyword Arguments: subtitles {pysrt.SubRipFile} -- The SubRipFile object (default: {None}). sound_effect_start_marker: {string} -- A string indicating the start of the ignored sound effect (default: {None}). sound_effect_end_marker: {string} -- A string indicating the end of the ignored sound effect (default: {None}). Returns: tuple -- The training data and the training lables. """ len_mfcc = self.get_len_mfcc() step_mfcc = self.get_step_mfcc() total_time = # Load subtitles if subtitle_file_path is None and subtitles is not None: subs = subtitles elif subtitle_file_path is not None: subs = Subtitle.load(subtitle_file_path).subs"Subtitle file loaded: {}".format(subtitle_file_path)) else: self.__LOGGER.error("Subtitles are missing") raise TerminalException("Subtitles are missing") if sound_effect_start_marker is not None: original_size = len(subs) subs = Subtitle.remove_sound_effects_by_affixes( subs, se_prefix=sound_effect_start_marker, se_suffix=sound_effect_end_marker ) subs = Subtitle.remove_sound_effects_by_case( subs, se_uppercase=True ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "{} sound effects removed".format(original_size - len(subs)) ) t = # Load audio file audio_time_series, sample_rate = librosa.load( audio_file_path, sr=self.frequency ) # Get MFCC features mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc( y=audio_time_series, sr=sample_rate, hop_length=int(self.__hop_len), n_mfcc=self.__n_mfcc, ) del audio_time_series gc.collect() self.__LOGGER.debug( "Audio file loaded and embedded with sample rate {}: {}".format( sample_rate, audio_file_path ) ) # Group multiple MFCCs of 32 ms into a larger range for LSTM # and each stride will have an overlay with the previous one samples = [] for i in np.arange(0, mfcc.shape[1], step_mfcc): samples.append(mfcc[:, int(i):int(i) + int(len_mfcc)]) # Last element may not complete so remove it samples = samples[: int((mfcc.shape[1] - len_mfcc) / step_mfcc) + 1] train_data = np.stack(samples) del samples gc.collect() mfcc_extration_time = - t t = # Create array of labels # NOTE: if the duration of subtitle is greater the length of video, the labels may be truncated labels = np.zeros(len(train_data)) for sub in subs: for i in np.arange( self.time_to_position(sub.start), self.time_to_position(sub.end) + 1 ): if i < len(labels): labels[i] = 1 label_extraction_time = - t self.__LOGGER.debug( "----- Feature Embedding Metrics --------" ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "| Audio file path: {}".format(audio_file_path) ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "| Subtitle file path: {}".format(subtitle_file_path) ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "| MFCC extration time: {}".format(str(mfcc_extration_time)) ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "| Label extraction time: {}".format(str(label_extraction_time)) ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "| Total time: {}".format(str( - total_time)) ) self.__LOGGER.debug( "----------------------------------------" ) return train_data, labels